Please join us for the 2023 NCEAS Annual Virtual Conference scheduled for February 27-March 1, 2023

The National Collaborative for Education to Address the Social Determinants of Health (NCEAS) is a collaborative forum where educators, students, and leaders can come together to share their work on social determinants of health. To learn more about NCEAS click here

We will be using Dryfta for our conference platform this year. Register, view speakers, and more by clicking link below.
Click here to access the conference platform

Please note: you will need to create an account on the conference platform to register for the conference.

Conference Aims
  • Evaluate and apply current research, resources, and best practices related to SDOH, specifically violence in clinical care and educational practices.
  • Identify collaborative and interprofessional strategies that foster safety and prevent violence.
  • Discuss the current landscape of SDOH training in health professions education at all levels.
  • Compare and contrast different innovations to advance health professions education related to SDOH.

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