Healthy Homes, Healthy Futures: A Home Visitation Curriculum for Pediatric Residents
Date of Review: November, 2018
This is a Home Visit curriculum, from MedEdPORTAL, on obesity for Pediatric residents. It is embedded within the 4 week Community Health rotation, but is portable and can be completed at any time during residency. The main strength is the real world experience the residents obtain and their exposure to their patients’ environment & barriers to health. Through this experience, they gain an appreciation for the community and neighborhood factors that impact patients’ obesity and overall health and are able to develop a more personalized plan for their patients’ health management. The curriculum incorporates two home visits and multiple online modules into a 4-week community health rotation for pediatric residents in a community health track. Residents are able to gain valuable skills, including motivational interviewing and creating a health/weight management plan, without being limited by time constraints of an office visit. This curriculum requires a rotation where residents have a flexible schedule and protected time to complete the home visits and the modules. Although it may work for residents in a community health track, it may be not applicable for other residencies with heavy emphasis on inpatient rotations. Overall, I think the experiential learning component of the curriculum makes it an effective resource, in the appropriate setting. This curriculum was well received by the residents and it would be interesting to learn how the patients view it by potentially expanding future needs assessments to incorporate the patient voice. —Mobola Campbell, MD, NCEAS & Sarah Hale, MD, NCEAS
Corresponding Author’s Email:
Children’s National Health System
Where Was the Curriculum Implemented?
Washington DC
Source of the Curriculum/Resource:
Clinical Specialty:
Family and Community Medicine, Internal Medicine, and Pediatrics
Outcomes that Have Been Reported for the Curriculum:
Measured Learner Attitude
Outcome and Study Design:
Level of Learner Assessment:
Knowledge Acquisition (MCQ, IRAT, GRAT)
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