Submissions are now closed!

The National Collaborative for Education to Address the Social Determinants of Health (NCEAS) is inviting proposals for workshop presentations from academic and professional communities for the 2024 virtual NCEAS Annual Conference. We welcome submissions describing research or innovations in social determinants of health (SDOH) education or practice. The conference workshop sessions will provide an opportunity for medical practitioners, educators and community organizations to present their work to other leaders and educators in SDOH and health disparities.

Workshop proposals should cover topics relevant to SDOH and/or health disparities and should align with specific conference aims. Example topics of interest include (but are not limited to) training curricula, screening and assessment tools, and case studies.

Submit your workshop proposal below

The aims of this conference are to:

  • Discuss the current landscape of SDOH training in health professions education at all levels.
  • Compare and contrast different innovations to advance health professions education related to SDOH.
  • Evaluate and apply current research, resources, and best practices related to SDOH in clinical care and educational practices.
  • Identify collaborative and interprofessional strategies that address SDOH and health equity.

Abstract Submission Deadline

Acceptance and Official Invitation Letter

NCEAS Conference

Rules and Regulations

You do not have to register for the conference to submit a workshop proposal. However, if your proposal is accepted for presentation, the facilitators(s) must register for the conference by the regular deadline and are responsible for registration fees. Registration will be opening soon.

It is NCEAS’ goal to ensure that physical and communication barriers do not exclude people with disabilities from attending and participating. Workshops must be accessible to all, including closed captioning of videos.

If you are using materials in your presentation (pictures, charts, graphs, videos, etc.) that are not original work, remember to cite the original source. If you are using copyrighted material, it is your responsibility to seek permission from the original source to use the material. NCEAS is not responsible for any copyrighted material presented.

If accepted, all credentials, full titles or name preferences must be included in your proposal to guarantee this information will be reflected in NCEAS materials and on the event website.

All presenters of accepted sessions must grant NCEAS the right to record video and still images of the presenters and share these, as well as PDFs of their presentations, on the organization’s website and social media platforms.

With this being a virtual event, you will have the option to pre-record a 15-minute video for attendees to watch during the first 15 minutes of your workshop. Please let us know if you plan on doing this when submitting your proposal.

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