Blogs and Webinars
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This space is a place to engage with other professionals who are interested in social determinants of health. Browse our selection of blogs, webinars, upcoming events and more.
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Synthesis and Synergy: A Vision for the Future of Medical-Legal Partnerships
Whatever the power—even the necessity—of the disciplines. . . in the end, questions never stop at the boundaries of a discipline. Efforts to develop decisive and personal ideas of the true, the beautiful, and the good necessarily take us beyond specific disciplines...
Expanding Diversity: Transgender Actors and Their Role in Undergraduate Medical Curriculum
Presented on March 13, 2019 During this webinar we discussed our journey towards diversifying our standardized patient (SP) pool to reflect the patient population that our learners engage with in the...
February 2019 NCEAS Newsletter
In this issue... Join us for our First Annual Conference on May 7, 2019 | Chicago, IL February's Blog Post: Expert Consensus on Teaching SDOH Resource of the Month, "Using TED Talks to Teach Social Determinants of Health" What's the latest? News, Conferences &...