Blogs and Webinars
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Global Community Care During a Pandemic: Lesson Learned After One Year of Telehealth in Guatemala
Presented on Wednesday, June 16th at 11:30am During this webinar we discussed: The Christ Hospital/University of Cincinnati Family Medicine Residency has had a partnership in Guatemala, sending interprofessional teams of...
April 2021 Newsletter
In this issue... Watch our latest Webinar! "Teaching SDOH During COVID: The development of a virtual community mapping exercise" Deadline Extended! Apply Now! Submit your application for the 2022 NCEAS Annual Conference Committee Co-Chair Position Read our new...
This is your Brain in Poverty
One of the most striking impacts of poverty is the way it changes the brain. While some curricula incorporate simulated scenarios that revolve around SDoH related to poverty, none simulate the brain changes. Linda K. Riddell, an epidemiologist who specializes in...