Promoting Health Equity: A Resource to Help Communities Address Social Determinants of Health
Date of Review: March, 2020
This workbook was created to encourage and support the development of initiatives and partnerships to address the social determinants of health in ways that increase health equity and reduce health disparities. It contains high-level information and guidance, as well as several examples of programs working to improve health outcomes in a variety of U.S. areas and populations. Though the workbook contains much information that could be useful, it is slightly old (published in 2008), so the information about some individual programs may be outdated at this point. Also, some of the material is introductory; as a result, this resource may be most useful to an audience that is beginning to learn about social determinants of health and efforts to reduce disparities. Those with substantial pre-existing expertise may not find this resource particularly useful. —Dave Liss, PhD, NCEAS