An Overview of Commonly-Used Social Determinants of Health Screening Tools
Date of Review: December, 2019
This resource provided by the Episcopal Health Foundation lists various screening tools that can be used to identify the Social Determinants of Health (SDH) needs in both children (SEEK and WE-CARE) and adult (PRAPARE, Roots to Health and HealthLeads) patient populations. This resource is a 6 slide PowerPoint presentation that provides links and short descriptions of these tools including the SDOH domains assessed by the various screening tools. A comparison of domain content is included and can be used as a quick guide to understanding the outputs of the tools. This resource can be used in health centers and other clinical settings by physicians and medical personnel to effectively and holistically screen for health needs and additionally goes into further detail about implementing the PRAPARE tool and how to use data to develop strategies to improve to the SDH data. At our institution, we have found many of these tools easy to adapt to build screening tools within our electronic medical record systems and to survey our patients for their SDH needs. — Ashti Doobay Persaud, MD, NCEAS