Using Service-Learning to Teach Community Health: The Morehouse School of Medicine Community Health Course
Date of Review: October, 2020
This resource introduces community-based learning to first-year medical students. This is a year-long educational experience where students conduct a community health needs assessment and then develop, implement, and evaluate a community health promotion intervention in response to problems they have identified. This resource provides a general idea of the course and its components but does not include instructor guides or lecture slides. There is no data on the impact of this learning experience on students. The strength of this resource is the experiential learning and community engagement that the students are exposed to. —Pablo Buitron, MD, NCEAS
Corresponding Author’s Email:
Morehouse School of Medicine
Where was the Curriculum Implemented:
Atlanta, Georgia
Source of the Curriculum/Resource:
Academic Medicine
Clinical Specialty:
Family and Community Medicine
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