Training Primary Care Residents on Social Determinants of Health
Date of Review: October, 2018
This resource is a full primary care/family medicine residency curriculum. It is divided into six sections: 1. Social Determinants of Health Context & Theory; 2. Addressing the Needs of the Community; 3. Assessing Social Needs and Health Literacy; 4. Using Hospital Resources to Address Social Needs; 5. Advocacy; 6. Assessment. Each section is clearly organized, succinct, and packed with well described resources. These include screening tools, websites, online modules, case studies and more! The curriculum presents material for primary care residents, but–given its presentation of high-quality introductory material–could be adapted to other learner groups such as medical students or MPH students. Since the curriculum was developed for use in New York-area hospitals, the community resources it discusses focus more on that region. If presented elsewhere, the educators would presumably want to identify local resources their residents could use. The final section (Assessment) describes assessment objectives, however tools for assessment are not described but could present an opportunity for further study and implementation. —David Liss, PhD, NCEAS and Ashti Doobay-Persaud, MD, NCEAS
Corresponding Author’s Email:
Greater New York Hospital Association
Where Was the Curriculum Implemented?
New York, NY
Source of the Curriculum/Resource
Clinical Specialty:
Family and community medicine and internal medicine
Outcome and Study Design:
Post only
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