Together, Equitable, Accessible, Meaningful (TEAM)
Date of Review: July, 2022
This resource from The George Washington University, is an approximately 5-hour online training for cancer care providers that consist of twelve courses focused on improving health equity and cultural competency for providers as well as describes the systematic changes needed within organizations to combat inequities. The training provides an overview of equity issues in general and specific patient populations as well as solutions to combat them. The topics discussed include patient engagement in research and cancer care, determinants of inequity, implicit bias, intersectionality, and inequities in minority groups (LGBTQI, Black or African American, Latinx individuals). They further discuss solutions to these barriers by providing lessons on methods of proper communication, the importance of patient self-advocacy, and provider strategies and institutional strategies to culturally competent care. The learners are provided with pre- and post-quizzes for each module as well as a final quiz. Based on the feedback they have received, the majority of respondents (87.5%) were satisfied with the modules and 91.7% would recommend this training to others. The training slides themselves were easily digestible and contained important information related to healthcare inequities and solutions. — Ashti Doobay-Persaud, MD, NCEAS
Corresponding Author’s Email:
The George Washington University
Where was the Curriculum Implemented:
Washington, D.C.
Outcomes that Have Been Reported for the Curriculum:
Learner Satisfaction or reaction
Self-reported learner attitude
Self-reported learner knowledge
Measured in learner knowledge
Outcome and Study Design:
Level of Learner Assessment
Appreciation of content/attitude assessment (self-reflection, blogging with rubric)
Knowledge Acquisition (MCQ, IRAT, GRAT)
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