Social Determinants of Health Curriculum for Clinicians

Date of Review: March, 2019

This resource introduces the concept of Upstream Quality Improvement, providing modules and case studies to demonstrate how one can apply quality improvement methods commonly used in healthcare to address social determinants of health in communities. The series includes 5 video modules: an introductory module discussing why hospitals and healthcare systems should invest in this work to achieve the quadruple aim (17 minutes); an introduction to upstream quality improvement that defines the term and the role of the physician in that process (33 minutes); and three modules that demonstrate how hospital systems have partnered with communities to use upstream quality improvement to address food insecurity (50 minutes), housing insecurity (41 minutes), and transportation (48 minutes). Some modules also include companion resources as well. This resource is geared towards practicing healthcare providers who work within health systems and are engaged in efforts to make system and community-wide change. Case studies used in the modules occur in a variety of health systems across the United States and the target community is any health system in the United States. Medical students and resident trainees could also benefit from the modules, but would require prior coursework in quality improvement and in social determinants of health for the best learning opportunity. Students or residents who are engaging in community health or quality improvement electives may benefit from selected modules within this resource as pre-work for experiential learning. — Brigid Dolan, MD, NCEAS

Corresponding Author’s Email:

@rishimanchanda (Twitter)


Health Begins

Where Was the Curriculum Implemented?

Online modules, United States

Source of the Curriculum/Resource:


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