Social and Structural Determinants of Urban American Indian and Alaska Native Health: A Case Study in Los Angeles
Date of Review: August, 2019
This resource, from MedEdPORTAL, is a 90 minute detailed workshop that introduces key concepts about the structural and social determinants of health and their effects on the urban America Indian and Alaskan Native (AIAN) communities that can be taught to a general or mixed health care audience. The workshop is very interactive with videos with discussion questions; traditional didactic and a unique storytelling experiential activity where individuals learn about outcomes and the major policies and practices that contributed to these. The facilitator guide is very detailed and allows any facilitator to present the material –i.e. faculty who may be Social Determinants of Health (SDH) expert but not an American Indian and Alaska Native would be possible. The PowerPoint outlines the entire agenda and timeline for the workshop which can be useful for all trainees and health professionals at all levels. Pre- and post- evaluations are included. All didactic portions have facilitator notes and I believe that it would be very easy to implement this detailed curriculum. Finding the right place in the curriculum is the real challenge with this resource as it pertains to a very specific population and works well as a workshop. In my opinion; however; the approach taken by the authors using a historical lens to explain structural determinants is well-executed and changing the language to look at indigenous values rather than stereotypes is laudable. –Ashti Doobay-Persaud, MD, NCEAS
Corresponding Author’s Email:
UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine
Where was the Curriculum Implemented:
New York & New Jersey
Source of the Curriculum/Resource:
Outcomes that Have Been Reported for the Curriculum:
Learner Satisfaction or reaction
Self-reported learner attitude
Self-reported learner knowledge
Measured in learner knowledge
Outcome and Study Design:
Level of Learner Assessment:
Knowledge Acquisition (MCQ, IRAT, GRAT)
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