Nathan/Natalie Marquez: A Standardized Patient Case to Introduce Unique Needs of an LGBT patient

Date of Review: October, 2018

This resource, from MedEdPORTAL, provides a standardized patient (SP) case for preclinical learners to introduce LGBTQ concepts relevant to outpatient clinical encounters.  Materials include the case, associated facilitator and learner guides, two relevant learning modules from Fenway Health, and an instructor’s guide discussing how to train faculty and implement the session. The case details a 15-18 year old patient that presents with frequent headaches, and was developed to emphasize the connections between added psychosocial stressors in LGBT youth and physical complaints.  The case is meant to be placed within an existing clinical skills curriculum and could be easily adapted to any course that uses SP sessions.  Evaluation was limited to learner satisfaction with a subset of students, though the case does include a suggested observation scale that could be employed by the faculty facilitator or SP to aid in assessing learner outcomes.  Brigid Dolan, MD, NCEAS and Katy Wright, PhD , NCEAS

Corresponding Author’s Email:


The Ohio State University College of Medicine

Where Was the Curriculum Implemented?

Columbus, Ohio

Source of the Curriculum/Resource:


Clinical Specialty:

Family and community medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics

Outcomes that Have Been Reported for the Curriculum:

Learner satisfaction or reaction

Outcome and Study Design:

Post only

Level of Learner Assessment:

Appreciation of content/attitude assessment (self reflection, blogging with rubric)

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