Introduction to Safe Space Training: Interactive Module for Promoting a Safe Space Learning Environment for LGBT Medical Students

Date of Review: October, 2018

This resource, from MedEdPORTAL, is a safe space training module designed for all faculty, undergraduate and graduate medical students to create a safe and healthy environment for LGBT medical students. It is an online module that in intended to be used as an introduction and to the topic and to build skills. This is a 30 minute online module that contains interactive questions throughout. The first section focused on basic information and the following section focuses on skills in two specific scenarios: ‘The mentor-mentee relationship’ and ‘The clinical learning environment’. The authors also offer the option to schedule an additional, 90 minute, in-person training to supplement the module. This resource would be useful as part of a small group learning session or part of a flipped classroom activity where the module is a prerequisite for the classroom portion. Limitations include the need for in-person, skilled faculty educators and assessment tools. The broad target audience and accessibility makes it feasible and useful to implement for the many institutional members that make up the learning environment of an academic medical center. The safe space training folder with the self-contained online modules is included in this publication. — Ashti Doobay-Persaud, MD, NCEAS

Corresponding Author’s Email:


Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Where Was the Curriculum Implemented?

Chicago, IL

Source of the Curriculum/Resource:


Clinical Specialty:

Emergency medicine, family and community medicine, internal medicine, physical medicine and rehabilitation, psychiatry and behavioral sciences

Outcomes that Have Been Reported for the Curriculum:

Learner satisfaction or reaction and self reported learner attitude

Outcome and Study Design:


Level of Learner Assessment

Appreciation of content/attitude assessment (self-reflection, blogging with rubric and Knowledge Acquisition (MCQ, IRAT, GRAT)

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