Health Equity Curricular Toolkit: Vulnerable Populations
Date of Review: June, 2019
This is a comprehensive curriculum in SDoH that provides reading, video, didactic and small group activities across the broad list of topics in SDoH. The content is expert and evidence-based driven, succinct within modules and of high quality. It also provides content to different levels of learners. This resource can be used as a broad curriculum that could be implemented in a medical school or a longitudinal primary care curriculum. It could also be a reference for any one of the modules. The resource does not itself contain evidence of effectiveness. Nor does it contain unique high quality learner assessments for facilitators or curriculum designers to use: This resource provides a prerequisite introduction followed by detailed modules organized under three overarching themes: Social Determinants of Health, Vulnerable Population, and Economics and Policy. Specific topic areas include: rural health, racism, sexism, immigrant population health, the intersectionality of vulnerable populations, and people with disabilities. Each module subsection begins with an ‘Ignite’ video of 4-40 minutes to provide basic information and prepare groups to have small group discussions using provided discussion questions. The lectures are contemporary, relevant, and easily accessible. Of note, there is also an overall guide to the curricular toolkit that provides training for small group leaders and an overview of each module. The targeted trainee level varies, and is fairly advanced overall. This curriculum would take substantial time to implement in its entirety; however, it has excellent reference lists and videos that can prove helpful in variety of learning environments. There is no data regarding the influence of this curriculum on learner knowledge, attitudes, skills or behaviors. –Mita Goel, MD, NCEAS and Sarah Hale, MD, NCEAS
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Source of the Curriculum/Resource:
AAFP Society Website
Relevant Specialty:
Family and Community Medicine
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