Getting to Zero: Reducing HIV Incidence through Screening, Treatment, and Prevention

Date of Review: June, 2020

This module presents information on HIV incidence, and recommendations on screening and treatment. The section on incidence describes how HIV is concentrated in specific high-risk demographics. It is composed of many slides which, though somewhat dense, are concise and contain a substantial amount of well-organized information. One weakness of the module is that the slides on screening recommendations are slightly out-of-date. They present the USPSTF recommendation from 2009, which were revised slightly in 2019. Nevertheless, this weakness is outweighed by the amount of information, and the quality of the slides, within the module. Additionally, it should be noted that users are required to register a username/password (for free) on the website prior to opening the module. –Dave Liss PhD, NCEAS

Corresponding Author’s Email:


Fenway Institute

Where was the Curriculum Implemented:

Boston, MA

Source of the Curriculum/Resource:


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