Family Systems Curriculum 2018

Date of Review: October, 2018

This resource is a behavioral health curriculum for family medicine residents in their third year. An outline or syllabus of the curriculum is included and the focus is on a specific topic of family origin theory. A didactic curriculum describes targeted knowledge about this theory. Included in this submission are student instructions for detailing their own genogram as well as constructing one for their patients. There is little detail about how to teach the concepts presented in each weekly session of the 10-week curriculum. However, genogram details are included as a well as a family centered interviewing observation form that can be used by preceptors as well as background readings. Although this curriculum has a narrow focus, it can be implemented but will require some more work for the instructor to achieve the learning objectives outlined.  Ashti Doobay-Persaud, MD, NCEAS

Corresponding Author’s Email:


OHSU Family Medicine

Where Was the Curriculum Implemented?

Portland, OR

Source of the Curriculum/Resource:

STFM- Society of Teaching of Family Medicine

Clinical Specialty:

Family and Community Medicine


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