Early Refill of an Opioid Medication: Recognizing Personal Biases Through Clinical Vignettes and OSCEs

Date of Review: July, 2023

This resource from MedEd Portal seeks to address the lack of exposure to opioid use disorder and complex medication management during medical education. The strength of this curriculum is that it not only seeks to address SDOH and opioid use disorder but it also works to address implicit/explicit bias through a series of clinical vignettes. In addition, the curriculum is versatile and can be used in the pre-clinical or clinical stages. It also works to address improving trainee’s communication and appropriate questions to ask patients when screening for social determinants of health. One weakness of this curriculum is that it may be time-intensive and requires standardized patient resources. However, I think schools can adopt elements of this curriculum to fit into their curriculums and it can serve as a model of how to embed implicit bias training into SDOH curricula. –Marlise Pierre-Wright, MD, NCEAS [Edited by Dr. Ashti Doobay-Persaud]

Corresponding Author’s Email:



Stony Brook

Where was the Curriculum Implemented:

New York

Clinical specialty:

Family and Community Medicine

Internal Medicine

OBGYN/Women’s Health


Outcomes that Have Been Reported for the Curriculum:

Learner Satisfaction or reaction

Self-reported learner attitude

Measured learner attitude

Measured learner behavior in simulated setting

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