Depression in the LGBT Patient: A Standardized Patient Encounter
Date of Review: January, 2019
The MedEdPORTAL publication is a standardized patient case intended for a medical student on clerkships as part of a culminating 3rd year OSCE exam. The patient is a 17 year-old boy who presents with fatigue. Examinees must elicit symptoms of depression and discover that the patient has worry over an unprotected sexual encounter with a male partner 3 weeks prior. They are scored on their communication skills, history-taking, physical exam, and clinical reasoning. The post encounter is in the style of the USMLE Step 2 CS examination, so it will be generalizable to other schools, and the grading rubric would be easy to use. The case is rich in detail and opportunity to express empathy and rapport-building. Different institutions write SP cases differently; I think the case would be simpler to train if it had just provided the SP with their own story rather than given answers to potential questions from the examinees. I would also love to know the benchmark score set for passing the case, or at least the range of scores so far from examinees. —Heather Heiman, MD, NCEAS
University at Buffalo State University of New York School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences
Where Was the Curriculum Implemented?
Buffalo, NY
Source of the Curriculum/Resource:
Level of Learner Assessment:
Demonstration of skill in a controlled environment (OSCE, Simulation)
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