Critical Synthesis Package: Cultural Competence Self-Assessment Questionnaire-Service Provider Version (CCSAQ-SP)

Date of Review: October, 2018

Rigorous, well designed and validated survey, from MedEdPORTAL, to assess most any health professional in cultural competence. Takes 20-30 minutes. Curriculum has written survey. Ideally there exists a website that will do an analysis for survey taker. If not, there is some labor involved in using this as an individual or as a program. One would need to have an admin/analyst calculate means and link this to an expert led discussion for interpretation. The survey is impressive in its depth. Initially designed to address race, community and was focused more on children. It seems to have been used on a broader scale.  Aashish Didwania, MD, NCEAS


Virginia Commonwealth University

Where Was the Curriculum Implemented?

Richmond, VA

Source of the Curriculum/Resource:


Clinical Specialty:

Emergency Medicine, Family and Community Medicine, Internal Medicine, OBGYN/Women’s Health, Pediatrics, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Outcomes that Have Been Reported for the Curriculum:

Self-reported learner behavior in a real patient setting

Outcome and Study Design:

Reliability and validation studies


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