Conscious and Unconscious Biases in Health Care

Date of Review: March, 2019

This resource includes four brief online modules on unconscious and conscious bias for a general health provider audience. The goal of the sessions is provide health care practitioners tools to become aware of their biases and to take action to mitigate the effects of these biases. The first modules discuss types of bias and how bias impacts healthcare. The final modules provide strategies for addressing bias in the healthcare setting. Each module includes text, brief video didactics, quizzes, and additional readings. The authors note that the literature review supporting the modules was completed in 2011-2012; those adopting the resource may wish to include newer materials as well and share changes in nomenclature that have occurred since the modules development with groups of learners (i.e cultural humility vs cultural competence). Finally, while the modules are self-contained, they could also be used as pre-work for small group or other interactive learning sessions for a UME, GME, or CME audience. — Brigid Dolan, MD, NCEAS

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Georgetown University

Where Was the Curriculum Implemented?

Online modules, United States

Source of the Curriculum/Resource:


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