Addressing Interpersonal Violence as a Health Policy

Date of Review: October, 2018

This resource, from MedEdPORTAL, discusses a Health Policy curriculum centered on intimate partner violence (IPV) within an existing Family Medicine clerkship for 3rd year medical students in New Mexico.  In the full health policy curriculum, learners participate in 14 hours of education over the course of an 8-week Family Medicine clerkship.  This full curriculum includes a selection of readings for students to complete as pre-work; didactics related to health policy; a case-based small group learning experience including an expert community panel held at an IPV advocacy site; and student creation of a health policy brief as a work product. This resource focuses mainly on the case-based small group learning experience.  While a facilitator guide is provided, the depth of the discussion for optimal learning requires that case facilitators and panelists should have expert knowledge of health policy and IPV.  There will be some variations in the material in the facilitator guide based on state and local policies, so those hoping to adapt this to a new setting will need to determine where local laws and policies differ from those in New Mexico. Learners were highly satisfied with the case-based panel discussion; no additional outcomes are reported. Some citations included in the bibliography have been updated since the time of publication (e.g. practice recommendations found in Dicola, D., & Spaar, E. (2016). Intimate Partner Violence. American family physician, 94(8)). Brigid Dolan, MD, NCEAS and Katy Wright, PhD, NCEAS

Corresponding Author’s Email:


University of New Mexico

Where Was the Curriculum Implemented?

Albuquerque, New Mexico

Source of the Curriculum/Resource:


Clinical Specialty:

Emergency Medicine, Family and Community Medicine, Internal Medicine, OBGYN/Women’s Health, Pediatrics

Outcomes that Have Been Reported for the Curriculum:

Learner satisfaction or reaction

Outcome and Study Design:

Post only

Level of Learner Assessment:

Knowledge Application (Case vignette, non-reflective essay)

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