A Novel, Trauma-Informed Physical Examination Curriculum for First-Year Medical Students

Date of Review: June, 2020

This resource introduces first-year medical students to a framework for a trauma-informed physical examination, using a standardized patient for demonstration. It incorporates a variety of learning modalities including large group discussions, small group discussions, and opportunities to practice skills. This was introduced as part of a clinical skills course for first-year medical students that meets for a 3-hour session on a weekly basis. The resource includes all the materials you will need if you want to replicate this activity at your institution. It is also designed in a way that you can make changes to better fit other institutions’ curriculum activities. . –Pablo Buitron, MD, NCEAS

Corresponding Author’s Email:



The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University

Where was the Curriculum Implemented:

Providence, RI

Source of the Curriculum/Resource:


Outcomes that Have Been Reported for the Curriculum:

Learner Satisfaction or reaction

Self-reported learner attitude

Self-reported learner knowledge

Self-reported learner behavior in a real patient setting

Outcome and Study Design:


Level of Learner Assessment:

Knowledge Acquisition (MCQ, IRAT, GRAT))

Demonstration of skill in a controlled environment (OSCE, Simulation)


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