Blogs and Webinars
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This space is a place to engage with other professionals who are interested in social determinants of health. Browse our selection of blogs, webinars, upcoming events and more.
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The Next Step in SDOH Education – Training Health Professionals to be Change Agents
After witnessing and experiencing the trauma of dual pandemics on ourselves and on communities of color, it has become apparent that simply teaching our learners to recognize the impact of racism and other social determinants of health on health outcomes is...
Mental Health and the Battle Children Face with Coronavirus
Research shows that the stress and anxiety children are experiencing during coronavirus can have an impact on their health later on in life. -Elizabeth Schilling As an adult, do you feel isolated in quarantine and as if your mental health is being affected? If your...
September Newsletter
In this issue... SAVE THE DATE!: 2021 NCEAS Annual Conference New CoP Co-Lead: Dr. Ashley Darcy Mahoney Register for our upcoming webinar: New Blog: Mental Health and the Battle Children Face with Coronavirus Resource of the Month: Introduction to Immigrant and...