Blogs and Webinars

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Promoting Antiracism in Case-Based Learning

At SUNY Upstate Medical University, all first-year medical students take a case-based longitudinal course in health systems called Patients to Populations (P2P). First originated in 2016, the course has long included discussions of racism in medicine. In the summer of...

July 2021 Newsletter

In this issue... Conference Submissions Now Open!: Submit your workshop proposal or abstract now! Register for our Upcoming Webinar! "Community Health Workers: Partners in the pursuit of equity, professional education, and pandemic response" Read our...

Correcting the Art of the Chart: Addressing Bias in our Notes

We in healthcare education invest a great deal of time in teaching our learners how to communicate with patients. Use PEARLS to convey empathy. Lean into the patient. Never stand above the patient. Soften your tone and slow down when delivering bad news. How much do...

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