Tuesday, February 23, 2021
9:00-10:00am (CST)
Expanding the Diversity and Inclusion Mission at Your institution
- Olga Karasik, MD | Associate Program Director, Internal Medicine Residency Program, University of Central Florida College of Medicine, Orlando, FL
- Tracy MacIntosh, MD, Associate Program Director, Emergency Medicine Residency Program
- Anuja Mehta, MD, Program Director, Psychiatry Residency Program
- Andrea Berry, MPA, Executive Director, Faculty Life
- Barbara Thompson, MA, Associate Director, Office of Diversity and Inclusion
With the rising awareness for the need for social and racial equity within our communities and institutions, this workshop aims to equip change agents with the knowledge, skills and language to build and expand programs within their environment. Our group spans UME, GME and CME with members from the University of Central Florida COM. We will share with participants practical strategies that were successful at our institution, while providing opportunities to reflect on and improve their own practices. By the end of the workshop, participants will have an understanding of barriers, strategies and metrics to apply at their own institutions.
Discriminatory and Excluding Comments in Medical Institutions: Empowering Trainees and Faculty to Respond
- Daniel Cabrera, MD, MPH | Clinical Assistant Professor – Department of Medicine – Division of General Internal Medicine, University of Washington – School of Medicine
- Roberto Montenegro MD, PhD | Assistant Professor – Department of Psychiatry – Division of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Medical trainees continue to experience excluding attitudes and behaviors in academic settings. These experiences disproportionately impact trainees from underrepresented groups. Interest grows for methods to address these discriminatory behaviors whether they be from patients, colleagues, or supervisors. Workshop participants will be shown and practice a novel response framework for acts of bias that draws on the practices of dialectical behavior therapy. This is especially useful when there are uneven power dynamics. Not only has the framework empowered recipients of biased actions to respond but it has also provided agency to individuals in the role of bystander.
Using a Systems Perspective to Transform Pediatric Clinical Practice
- Lindsay Rosenfeld, Scientist; Instructor | Children’s Hospital Boston – NICU GraDS (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Growth and Developmental Support)
- Jonathan Litt, MD, MPH, ScD | Neonatologist/NICU GradS Director, Boston Children’s Hospital, Neonatologist, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Assistant Professor, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health / Harvard Medical School
A systems-perspective is essential to pursuing child equity. For example, parents of young children with complex needs embark on a lifelong process of systems navigation, advocating for environments that meet their children’s needs. The burden is great, for families and professionals, and can include unclear processes and responsibilities, high literacy demands, and siloed practices. Applying a multi-level, social determinants of health approach is crucial to reducing these barriers. In this session, we will explore and apply an iterative approach that can be used in classrooms and daily clinical practice to pursue health equity.