University of New England- Population Health Learning Activities
Date of Review: March, 2021
This resource provided by the University of New England is a collection of five knowledge and skills-based student learning activities about population health from their Center for Excellence in Public Health. The learning activities focus on health literacy, developing a population health profile, a review of population health management strategies, shared decision making, quality improvement, and a final activity which includes a template to create a learning activity centered around a chosen population concept and identify practice improvements that would improve the health of populations. Each of the activities are designed for an interprofessional team and detailed descriptions of the learning activity, assessments, learning objectives and even associated competencies are included. Additionally, an “advanced” activity is included which typically includes the student applying knowledge in the clinical setting. The learning activities ask students to assess how each concept is implemented in the practice, identify areas for improvement, investigate evidence-based practices to address each concept, and to provide evidence-based recommendations to address gaps or weaknesses within the practice. These learning activities would be easy to integrate in the pre-clinical and clinical years and would be very easy to integrate. I look forward to integrating these into our pre-clinical teaching about community health and would consider asking students to select any of these learning activities as they apply to communities they serve.—Ashti Doobay-Persaud, MD, NCEAS