Patient and provider voices in the geriatrics navigator program

Date of Review: July, 2021

Truong, K.; Ishibashi, O.; Schickedanz, H. Patient and provider voices in the geriatrics navigator program. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society ; 69(SUPPL 1):S245-S246, 2021.| EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1214914

Since 2018, providers in the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services have used the Geriatrics Navigator Program (Geri eConsult) for telephonic navigation of geolocated, culturally appropriate, low-cost community resources for older patients and caregivers. To improve utilization and linkage to resources with the Geri eConsult program, feedback from stakeholders can ensure the service meets the needs of vulnerable older adults as intended. In the era of COVID-19, user-friendly virtual linkage programs for community resources may support innovative, patient-centered, and coordinated geriatrics care to better address the social determinants of health in underserved older adult populations. —Ashley Darcy Mahoney, PhD

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