Workshop Session 2

Monday, April 27th


Community Engagement as an Approach to Teaching Social Determinants of Health


Antonio Graham DO, Bisan Salhi, MD, PhD


  1. Explain the benefits of using community engaged learning as an approach to teach about the social determinants of health
  2. Design a SDOH course centered in community engaged learning
  3. Apply evaluation and quality improvement tools and approaches to enhance community engaged educational programs

Making Social and Structural Determinants of Health Visible: Best Practices for Bedside Teaching


Amy E. Caruso Brown, MD, MSc, MSCS and Rachel E. Fabi, PhD Project team members not presenting: Nayla Khoury, MD, MPH; Simone Seward, MPH; Caitlin Nye, BSN, RN; Ann Botash, MD; Lauren J. Germain, PhD


  1. Reflect on your own experience, as a learner and/or educator, with regard to addressing social and structural determinants of health in clinical practice.
  2. Explain why health professions students may receive high-quality education regarding social determinants of health in the classroom, yet struggle to apply those lessons in clinical practice.
  3. Describe that challenges and barriers that clinician-educators face when teaching social determinants of health in clinical training spaces.
  4. Develop and apply strategies for overcoming these challenges in clinical education.

Using Art and Literature to teach Social Determinants of Health: Implementing a Health Humanities Curriculum


Kamna Balhara, MD, MA and Nathan Irvin, MD


  1. Develop an understanding of the utility of the humanities as a teaching vehicle for social
    determinants of health
  2. Describe the foundational concepts of narrative medicine and visual thinking strategies as they
    apply to SDoH education
  3. Evaluate artwork (visual, written, or otherwise) to identify themes to generate discussion
    around key concepts of SDoH
  4. Apply concepts learned during the workshop to develop arts-based learning activities that 1)
    introduce foundational concepts of SDoH, 2) promote critical thinking on SDoH, and/or 3)
    generate reflection on the applicability of SDoH to specific environments
  5. List resources that can be used in building arts-based curricula in SDoH education

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