Workshop Session 2
Monday, April 27th
Community Engagement as an Approach to Teaching Social Determinants of Health
Antonio Graham DO, Bisan Salhi, MD, PhD
- Explain the benefits of using community engaged learning as an approach to teach about the social determinants of health
- Design a SDOH course centered in community engaged learning
- Apply evaluation and quality improvement tools and approaches to enhance community engaged educational programs
Making Social and Structural Determinants of Health Visible: Best Practices for Bedside Teaching
Amy E. Caruso Brown, MD, MSc, MSCS and Rachel E. Fabi, PhD Project team members not presenting: Nayla Khoury, MD, MPH; Simone Seward, MPH; Caitlin Nye, BSN, RN; Ann Botash, MD; Lauren J. Germain, PhD
- Reflect on your own experience, as a learner and/or educator, with regard to addressing social and structural determinants of health in clinical practice.
- Explain why health professions students may receive high-quality education regarding social determinants of health in the classroom, yet struggle to apply those lessons in clinical practice.
- Describe that challenges and barriers that clinician-educators face when teaching social determinants of health in clinical training spaces.
- Develop and apply strategies for overcoming these challenges in clinical education.
Using Art and Literature to teach Social Determinants of Health: Implementing a Health Humanities Curriculum
Kamna Balhara, MD, MA and Nathan Irvin, MD
- Develop an understanding of the utility of the humanities as a teaching vehicle for social
determinants of health - Describe the foundational concepts of narrative medicine and visual thinking strategies as they
apply to SDoH education - Evaluate artwork (visual, written, or otherwise) to identify themes to generate discussion
around key concepts of SDoH - Apply concepts learned during the workshop to develop arts-based learning activities that 1)
introduce foundational concepts of SDoH, 2) promote critical thinking on SDoH, and/or 3)
generate reflection on the applicability of SDoH to specific environments - List resources that can be used in building arts-based curricula in SDoH education