Blogs and Webinars
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This space is a place to engage with other professionals who are interested in social determinants of health. Browse our selection of blogs, webinars, upcoming events and more.
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December 2018 NCEAS Newsletter
In this issue... The next NCEAS webinar is Dec. 19th at 11:30a (CT) Take the Wheel, Don't Reinvent it! Explore our Education Collection, led by Dr. Heather Heiman Meeting in a Box, Resource of the Month, "Meeting in a Box" What's the latest? News, Conferences &...
Take The Wheel, Don’t Reinvent It! An Education Collection for Social Determinants of Health
Today I am thinking about the patients who have visited me during my past few clinics. They have different backgrounds, personalities, and health states, something I love about academic general internal medicine. Yet they all have something in common. Social...
Simulating Social Determinants: An Educational Strategy for Medical Students and Residents?
As medical students, we’ll find ourselves in the ‘sim lab’ on rotations such as emergency medicine and intensive care, going through different simulations of critically ill patients. Presented with patients in severe sepsis or acute respiratory failure, simulations...