In this issue…

The National Collaborative for Education to Address the Social Determinants of Health (NCEAS) was originally a HRSA-funded Academic Unit for Primary Care Training and Enhancement. The mission of the NCEAS is to prepare primary care clinicians with the expertise and leadership to address the social determinants of health (SDOH).

Do you have relevant SDOH resources, curricula, or evaluation tools to share? Please send them to us at

2025 NCEAS Conference

Registration Now Open: Please join us for the 2025 NCEAS Annual Virtual Conference on February 24th and 25th. Early bird rates end January 24th.

Social Mission Alliance: Free tool measuring institutional commitment to health equity

Last month, all US medical schools were invited to participate in the updated Social Mission Mission Metrics Self-Assessment. This is our chance to make a difference and to ensure that social mission efforts, from pathways to admissions, curriculum and research, to community engagement and beyond, are also measured in this survey process. Learn more about what is being measured, how you can get involved, and how this unique Self-Assessment Survey fills a key gap in national surveys on school contributions toward health equity.

Resource of the Month

Down to the Last Dollar: Utilizing a Virtual Budgeting Exercise to Recognize Implicit Bias

This virtual interactive small-group budgeting exercise, from MedEdPortal, introduces medical students to the impact of poverty on families. The curriculum aims to demonstrate the effects of social determinants such as poverty on health outcomes as well as biases regarding patients living in poverty.

View Resource Here

What’s the Latest?

News, Conferences, and Upcoming Events
  • Using a data-driven approach to human-centered SDOH work | Listen Here
  • Monitoring Social Determinants of Health Equity: Podcast | Listen Here
  • “We Need to Know These Things”: Use Cases for Combined Social and Clinical Data Among Primary Care-Based Clinical and Social Care Providers | Read Here
  • December 2-4, 2024: Conference | Social Determinants of Health Policy Forum  | Washington DC | Details
  • April 7-9, 2025: The Rise Summit on Social Determinants of Health | Conference | Details
  • May 19-22, 2025: Conference | Accelerating Health Equity | Atlanta, GA | Details

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