In this issue…

The National Collaborative for Education to Address the Social Determinants of Health (NCEAS) was originally a HRSA-funded Academic Unit for Primary Care Training and Enhancement. The mission of the NCEAS is to prepare primary care clinicians with the expertise and leadership to address the social determinants of health (SDOH).

Do you have relevant SDOH resources, curricula, or evaluation tools to share? Please send them to us at

2023 NCEAS Annual Conference

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Health Humanities Educational Approach to Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: Enhancing Cross-Cultural Education

Female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) affects populations in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and diaspora communities in the West. The World Health Organization condemns FGM/C, declaring the practice a human rights violation. Condemnation without compassionate and culturally humble care, negatively affects the FGM/C survivor. Healthcare workers (HCW) in western countries may struggle to provide care for affected populations because of unfamiliarity with FGM/C and inability to bridge the cultural divide. We developed a health humanities educational approach to FGM/C with the aim to enhance cross-cultural education and optimize care delivered to people affected by FGM/C.

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Resource of the Month

University of New England- Population Health Learning Activities

This resource provided by the University of New England is a collection of five knowledge and skills-based student learning activities about population health from their Center for Excellence in Public Health. The learning activities focus on health literacy, developing a population health profile, a review of population health management strategies, shared decision making, quality improvement, and a final activity which includes a template to create a learning activity centered around a chosen population concept and identify practice improvements that would improve the health of populations.

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What’s the Latest?

News, Conferences, and Upcoming Events
  • Working With ACOs To Address Social Determinants Of Health | Read Here
  • Race a Key SDOH Fueling Health Disparities in Cancer Outcomes | Read Here
  • Few Studies Assess Social Determinants of Health Intervention by Race| Read Here
  • April 2-4, 2023 – Conference | The RISE Summit on Social Determinants of Health | Chicago | Details
  • May 16-18 2023 – Conference | 2023 Accelerating Health Equity Conference | Minneapolis | Details
  • December 3-5, 2023Conference | The Root Cause Coalition Annual National Summit | Kansas City | Details

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