In this issue…

The National Collaborative for Education to Address the Social Determinants of Health (NCEAS) was originally a HRSA-funded Academic Unit for Primary Care Training and Enhancement. The mission of the NCEAS is to prepare primary care clinicians with the expertise and leadership to address the social determinants of health (SDOH).

Do you have relevant SDOH resources, curricula, or evaluation tools to share? Please send them to us at

2023 NCEAS Annual Conference

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Checking Back in on the Bias Checklist

Five years ago, a medical school dean made a casual request for a “one-page handout” to address persistent biases in the MD program curriculum related to many social and structural determinants of health. In response, Dr. Caruso Brown developed the Upstate Bias Checklist1, which was the subject of a NCEAS webinar2 in 2019. The Checklist is a free, publicly available tool that anyone can use when developing or reviewing content for learners at any level in the health professions. It is designed to avoid burdening learners with the responsibility to call attention to biased material, although it can and has been used by learners to provide feedback on content and educational experiences. It is expressly not intended to be punitive toward educators, but instead to promote self-reflection, faculty development and quality improvement in education, while also preventing the harm that comes when biased content reaches learners—harm that not only impacts our learners but also impacts their and our future patients.3

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Resource of the Month

An Epidemic of Inequities: Structural Racism and COVID-19 in the Black Community

A comprehensively cited report from the Chicago Urban League examining the links between systemic factors specifically racism and COVID-19 in the black community. Authors make use of a wide variety of sources to describe the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 in Chicago and more generally throughout the United States.

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What’s the Latest?

News, Conferences, and Upcoming Events
  • Health Equality, Equity, and Justice: Know the Difference and Why They Matter | Read Here
  • Employers Can Do More to Advance Health Equity | Read Here
  • Why racism is a public health threat: Expert perspectives | Read Here
  • January 10-12, 2023: Conference | Diversity, Inclusion, & Health Equity Symposium – East Coast | Hybrid | Details
  • March 6-8, 2023: Conference | RISE National  | Colorado Springs | Details
  • May 16-18 2023: Conference | 2023 Accelerating Health Equity Conference | Minneapolis | Details


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