Treating and Precepting with RESPECT: A Relational Model Addressing Race, Ethnicity, and Culture in Medical Training
Date of Review: January, 2022
This resource is a journal article from JGIM describing the RESPECT model which stands for R-respect, E-Explanatory Model, S-Social context, P-Power, E- Empathy, C-Concerns, T- Trust/Therapeutic Alliance/Team. The RESPECT model is a framework for clinicians and clinical learners to achieve curricular goals of compassionate patient care, sensitivity to diverse populations, interpersonal communication, professionalism, life-long learning, and practice-based improvement. It was devised by clinician educators to teach their students empathy and open communication at the point of care. The RESPECT model is an action-oriented set of communication and relational behaviors designed to build trust across differences of race/ethnicity, culture, and power both for students and faculty at the point of care. This model promotes generalizable skills for a wide range of health care providers in varied clinical settings. In addition to its utility in clinical practice, the RESPECT model has proven to be a versatile tool for evaluation. RESPECT has been adapted to be used as an observational tool for students to observe physician-patient encounters and focus on patient concerns and trust-building across differences. It would be easy to integrate this communication tool during clinical care rotations for health professions students. –Ashti Doobay-Persaud, MD, NCEAS
Corresponding Author’s Email:
Boston Medical Center
Where was the Curriculum Implemented:
Boston Medical Center, MA
Outcomes that Have Been Reported for the Curriculum:
Self-reported learner attitude
Outcome and Study Design:
Level of Learner Assessment
Appreciation of content/attitude assessment (self-reflection, blogging with rubric)
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