Project SHARE Curriculum-Student Health Advocates Redefining Empowerment

Date of Review: October, 2018

This resource introduces multiple concepts about health equity to high school students, with the goal of training them to become health advocates in their communities. It consists of six modules, each with multiple lessons, designed to be delivered to a group of about 12 students over the course of a year. Topics of focus include health disparities, nutrition, public speaking, health literacy, and community advocacy. Each module includes didactic slides but also multiple breakout exercises, such as designing a food label or evaluating a website for the quality of health information provided. The modules can stand alone or be delivered as a complete curriculum. Adding an experiential component to the curriculum, as the designers did by having the students present at health fairs and do other community work, would ensure students are ready to apply their knowledge. —Heather Heiman, MD, NCEAS


University of Maryland

Where Was the Curriculum Implemented?

Baltimore, MD

Source of the Curriculum/Resource


Clinical Specialty:

Emergency medicine, family and community medicine, internal medicine, physical medicine and rehabilitation, psychiatry and behavioral sciences

Outcome and Study Design:

Post only

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