Community Tool Box-Other Models for Promoting Community Health and Development
Date of Review: February, 2020
This website/toolkit is a multimodal resource, primarily a written document which could be used in creating a curriculum on Community Medicine, which included explored some of the basic principles for working to improve community health, based on the WHO social determinants of health and IOM (now the National Academy of Science Engineering and Medicine) work on Healthy Communities as well as others. This resource, in several sections, describes varying processes for carrying out community assessment and creating interventions to improve health; these include, IOMs Community Health Improvement Program,Healthy People 2020’s MAP-IT and Healthy Cities/Healthy Communities frameworks, and the Health Impact Assessment approach, all emphasizing importance of stakeholder and community participation. There are several videos and power points included on the site which could be used if one wished to focus an a specific area. —Barb Bayldon, MD, NCEAS