What are We Teaching Physicians about the Social and Structural Drivers of Health?  Findings from a Recent Scoping Review

Presented on Friday, August 30th

Watch Recording Here!

A scoping review just published in Academic Medicine sought to describe the content of curricula delivered to physician trainees on the social and structural drivers of health and related concepts.  While other studies have described pedagogic approaches, assessment methods and other “curricular logistics,” this is the first study we know of that has described in detail what physician trainees are actually being taught about SDOH.  In this session, the study’s authors will describe the study’s key findings and facilitate a discussion about what we should be teaching physicians about SDOH, and what they can do about these drivers.

Loel Solomon, Ph.D., MPP
Professor, Health Systems Science
Kaiser Permanente School of Medicine
Carla Lupi, MD, FACOG
Professor, Clinical Science and Associate Dean for Assessment and Evaluation
Kaiser Permanente School of Medicine

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