Addressing the Effects of Psychological Trauma in a Community Using a Social Determinants of Health Approach: A Case Study
Date of Review: December, 2019
This resource provides a historical view of a specific city (Newark, NJ), highlighting how events, legislation, etc. impacted the community there and ultimately resulted in factors that currently influence social determinants of health. After this context is provided, 4 unique vignettes introduced describing individuals that have experienced psychological trauma related to SDOH/chronic stress, and discussion questions and resources are provided. It appears an additional facilitator guide and self-assessment quiz/learner assessment are available to those who are members of the Association for Prevention Teaching and Research (APTR). This resource may be helpful for multiple levels of learners for initiating conversations about SDOH and looking at the larger societal context of people’s lives. This writer cannot speak to the utility of the facilitator guide/assessment, but with the discussion questions, this information could be used as an individual learning session/activity or to set the stage for ongoing SDOH didactics/activities within a curriculum. — Elizabeth Painter, PhD, NCEAS